Once I got the book home the dilemma arose as to where to display it. Unlike the two books I'm currently reading that sit on my nightstand, this one has a readability level on par with that of a sixth grader's Social Studies report, so it lends itself to some light reading or maybe even just an objet d'art. Originally I thought the coffee table in the living room would be a good home for it, but we already have several bobbles on display there. Just a bit too many notes. Don't you think?
In our sunroom we have this low-sitting leather chair we scarfed up from my wife's parents when they moved to Florida. My fat ass has a hard time getting in and out of it, but once I'm in it it's incredibly comfortable. It makes for the ideal place to curl up with a good book on mass murderers and read 'til you fall asleep. A footstool beside the chair usually has some of Elaine's lighter trashier reading material like InStyle or Vogue. While this seemed like a good place for The Visual Encyclopedia of Serial Killers, the book overtakes the stool because of its relative size and the creepy red typewriter font doesn't blend with our color scheme in that room.
We live in a modest three-bedroom home and use one of the back bedrooms as our TV lounge. Incidentally one of the best moves we made (in addition to getting rid of cable) was getting our television out of the living room. You would be surprised at the mixed responses we get when people walk in and realize there's no tv in the main living space. Some people applaud us while others think we should be committed. Anyway, I thought maybe the creepy red font would work with our mega-bright red couch and playful leopard print throw. The only suitable spot would have been on the pleather foot stool. We got that thing at Target after having cashed in some gift cards we got at our various baby showers. Speaking of which, don't register at Target unless you'd be 100% happy with anything in the store. Their return policy is essentially non-existent. Anyway, here again the book's size dwarfs the footstool which already has to double as a dangerously soft place to rest our drinks and a storage area for the various remotes we requre to enhance our viewing pleasure.
My wife's nightstand is really out because . . . well, she's not really all that hip to serial killers. Babywise is her current bedtime reading of choice, and I'm sure Girlfriends' Guide to the First Year is next on the list. No room for cannibals and masochists when you've got nursing and parent-centered households to study up on. Note to self: Put sheets on the bed.
Is it just me or does this book somehow belong in the nursery? Though don't get me wrong. Some of my best friends are serial killers and I think they should have equal protection under the law and all, but I wouldn't want my daughter marrying one. I do however think maybe the chilling tales of Hansel and Gretel or Little Red Riding Hood pale in comparison to such classics as "the butcher of Hanover" and "the killer clown."
Goodnight Dahmer. Goodnight Gacy. Goodnight noises everywhere.
Just kidding. I wouldn't read my daughter stories about serial killers. I'm not that twisted. But we do have someone in the hou
se who is, as is evidenced in the following pictures.
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