Since posting that image of the creepy plastic head my blog has received numerous hits because of people who were searching for that very picture. The other day 27% of my hits were from people who clicked on that image after finding it in Google. As delighted as I am that strangers the world over are finding the true path to enlightenment via I sometimes feel like I'm nothing more than a thankless middleman who's shilling the Burger King plastic-headed creepy guy, a royal replica I find most disturbing. And who wouldn't?
So I got an idea.
What if instead of the current image
People saw this image:
I got out the cyber crayons and let the creative juices flow. With a little help from Publisher and MSPaint I could turn the king of the Whopper into the smiling Lord of the Underworld in a matter of minutes. I then uploaded the file to my domain provider with the same filename as the previous image.
This sophomoric prank didn't quite get me the results I was expecting and I'm sure the reason has something to do with the inner mysteries of Googlism that a techno-stupe like me wouldn't understand. Before if you googled "burger king head" (quit thinking naughty thoughts -- this is serious) and ran an image search my blog was one of the first couple to show up. It showed the undoctored image as it previously appeared on my blog.
Now when you run the same search, although I've changed the image on my blog to the new and improved maniacal masterpiece, it doesn't show up on the Google search results page. Instead it shows the old boring image, the same one you can steal off my site or a plethora of other people's websites. Also if you then click on the image you either get the old picture and the page in my blog upon which it's found or you simply see the pictureless directive See full-size image with the webpage appearing underneath that.
If you then click on either the old picture or the pictureless directive, depending on which one comes up in your search, you'll be directed to the demonic picture. Why though does it not show in the original Google search?
Part of me wonders if this has something to do with Google's caching (by the way is that pronounced like "cashing", "coshing" or "kuh-ching?" These things I ponder.) Anyway, is there somebody out there who knows whether my creepy creation will eventually end up on the pages of Google? Will people the world over finally see, thanks to my devilish artistry, that this image of the Burger King is really a reincarnation of Lucifer himself? For all we know the real Burger King is still hiding inside that evil mask begging us to help him out.
I need an old priest and a young priest.
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